Mem. Soc. Geol. It.,      

41 (1988), 109-120, 3ff., 3 tavv.27 (1984), 233-253, 8ff, 2tabb, 2 tavv, n.t.
“Tentativo di interpretazione evolutiva della scarpata di Malta basata su dati geologici e geofisici”
P. Casero (*), M.B. Cita (**), M. Croce (**), A. De Micheli (**)

(*) Total Mineraria, Roma
(**) Dip. Di Scienze della Terra, Università di Milano

Mem. Soc. Geol. It.,      

41 (1988), 109-120, 3ff., 3 tavv.
“Neogene Geodynamic Evolution of the Southern Apennines”
Relazione di P. Casero (*), F. Roure (**), L. Endignoux (**), I. Moretti (**), C. Muller (**), L. Sage (**), R. Vially (**)

(*) Total Mineraria, Roma
(**) Institut Français du Pétrole, Rueil-Malmaison, Francia

Mem. Soc. Geol. It.,      

45 (1990), 87-814, 3 ff, 2 tavv.
“Paleogeographic Relationships During Cretaceous Between the Northern Adriatic Area and the Eastern Southern Alps”
P. Casero (*), A. rigamonti (**), M. Iocca (***)

(*) Total Mineraria, Roma
(**) Lasmo International Oil Development, Rome

Generation, accumulation and production of Europe’s hydrocarbons (edited by A.M. Spencer), Special Publication of the European Association of Petroleum Geoscientists No. 1, pp 381/387. Oxford University Press, Oxford.      

The European Association of Petroleum Geoscientists, 1991.
“Tectonic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Southern Apennines Accretionary Wedge”
P. Casero (*), F. Roure (**), R Vially (**)

(*) Total Mineraria, Rome
(**) Institut Français du Pétrole, Rueil Malmaison, France

Earth and Planetary Science Letters,      

102 (1991) 395-412 – Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V. Amsterdam – [XleP]
“Growth Processes and Melange Formation in the Southern Apennines Accretionary Wedge”
F. Roure (*), P. Casero (**), R. Vially (*)

(*) Institut Français du Pétrole, Rueil Malmaison, France
(**) Total Mineraria, Rome

Pergamon – Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 16, no. 2, pages 159/173, 1994 –      

Copyright: 1994 Elsevier Science Ltd. Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved.
“Piggyback Basin Development and Thrust Belt Evolution: Structural and Paleostress Analyses of Plio-Quanternary Basins in the Southern Apennines”
JC Hippolyte (*), J Angelier (*), F. Roure (**), P. Casero (***)

(*) Département de Géotectonique, Université P. et M. Curie, Paris
(**) Institut Français du Pétrole
(***) Total SA, Paris La Défense, Paris

Peri Tethyan Platforms      

F. Roure (Editor) and Editions Technip, Paris, 1994, pages 27/50
“Neogene Deformations at the Sicilian-North African Plate Boundary”
P. Casero (*), F. Roure (**)

(*) Total SA, Paris La Défense, France
(**) Institut Français du Pétrole, Rueil-Malmaison, France

RCMNS Interim Colloquium “Neogene Basin Evolution and Tectonics of the Mediterrenean Area”      

Rabat, April 7-8 1994, Abstracts
“Neogene Geodynamic Evolution of the Central Apenninic Fore-Deep”
P. Casero (*), A. Artoni (**), A. Rossato (***)

(*) Total SA, Paris La Défense, France
(**) Università degli Studi di Parma, Parma, Italy
(***) SARP, Noventa Vicentina, Italy

Memorias VI Congreso Colombiano del Petrolio –      

Bogota, 3/5 Oct. 1995
“Structural Evolution of the Margin and Foothills Belt of the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia”
P. Casero (*), R. Afrasmanech (*), L. Martin (*), D. Michoux (*), C. Osorio (*), JF Salel (*), A. Rossato (**), JJ Aristizabal (***), C. Lombo (***), PA Rios (***), M. Nowak (****)

(*) Total SA, Paris La Défense, Paris
(**) SARP, Noventa Vicentina, Italy
(***) Ecopetrol, Bogota, Colombia
(****) I.G.A.L., Paris, France

Bull. Soc. Géol. France, 1997,      

t. 168, no. 1, pages 35/49
“Sequential Balancing of Growth Steuctures – The Late Tertiary Example from the Central Apennine”
A. Artoni (*), P. Casero (**)

(*) Geological Institute, ETH Zentrum, Zurich
(**) Total SA, Paris La Défense, Paris

Memorias : “VI Simposio Bolivariano Exploracion Petrolera en las Cuencas Subandinas”-      

Cartagena de Las Indias, Colombia, Septiembre 14-17 1997
“Multidisciplinary Correlative Evidences for Polyphase Geological Evolution of the Foothills of the Cordillera Oriental (Colombia)”
P. Casero (*), JF Salel (*), A Rossato (**)

(*) Total SA, Paris La Défense, Paris
(**), SARP, Noventa Vicentina, Italy

Memorias: “VII Congreso Bolivariano “Exploracion Petroliera en las Cuencas Subandinas” –      

pp. 218-229 – Caracas, Venezuela, March 2000
“Accretion and Obduction along the Sinu-Lower Magdalena Area (Northern Colombia)”
JF Flinch (*), MV Grand (*), P Casero (*)

(*) TotalFina SA, Paris La Défense, Paris

Società Geologica Italiana 81° Riunione Estiva, Torino,     

10 – 12 Settembre 2002
“Tectonics and Sedimentation in the Central Apennines”
Emily Albouy (*), Piero Casero(**), Rémi Echard (*), Jean-Luc Rudkiewicz (*)

(*) Institut Français du Pétrole, Rueil Malmaison, France
(**) TotaFinaElf, Paris La Défense, Paris

Società Geologica Italiana Florence 2004      

Special Volume of the Italian Geologic Society for the IGC 32 Florence-2004
“Structural setting of petroleum exploration plays in Italy”
Piero Casero

AAPG Hedberg Series, No. 1, 2004      

Deformation, Fluid Flow, and Reservoir Appraisal in Foreland Fold and Thrust Belts
“Tectonic setting of the petroleum systems of Sicily”
James W. Granath(*) and Piero Casero(**)

(*) Granath and Associates, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
(**) Consultant, Rome, Italy

Atti Ticinensi di Scienze della Terra, Volume 10, Serie Speciale

The record of thermal history in sedimentary successions: 2nd Edition, Rome, June 2005-08-11      
“Southern Apennines geologic framework and related petroleum systems”
P. Casero

Consultant, Rome, Italy

70th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Rome, Italy, 9 - 12 June 2008      
"Organic matter optical analysis and clay mineralogy to unravel the Tectonic/Sedimentary burial in the Laga Basin (Italy)"
V. Cantarelli (*), L. Aldega (**), S. Bigi (***), P. Casero (****), S. Corrado (**) and S. Milli (***)

(*) Università di Camerino, Camerino, Italy
(**) Università degli Studi "Roma Tre", Roma, Italy
(***) Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy
(****) Consultant, Rome, Italy

Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. 168, 2011, pp. 1–11, Rome, Italy, 21 August 2010      
"Seismic interpretation of the Laga basin; constraints on the structural setting and kinematics of the Central Apennines"
S. Bigi (*), P. Casero (**) & G. Ciotoli (*)

(*) Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy
(**) Consultant, Rome, Italy

Tectonics, Vol. 31, TC3006, pp. 1-28, 2012 doi:10.1029/2011TC002989      
“Alpine inversion of the North African margin and delamination of its continental lithosphere”
François Roure (*), Piero Casero (**), Belkacem Addoum (***)

(*) IFP Energies Nouvelles, Rueil-Malmaison, France
(**) Consultant, Rome, Italy
(***) Exploration Division, Sonatrach, Boumerdes, Algeria

Terra Nova, pp. 1-9, 2012 doi:10.1111/ter.12000     
“Contrasting surface active faults and deep seismogenic sources unveiled by the 2009 L.Aquila earthquake sequence (Italy)”
S. Bigi (*), P. Casero (**) & Claudio Chiarabba(***), Daniela Di Bucci (****)

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universita` ‘‘Sapienza’’
(**) Consultant, Rome, Italy
(***) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
(****) Dipartimento della Protezione Civile

Marine and Petroleum Geology, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 20 August 2012     
“Geological model of the central Periadriatic basin (Apennines, Italy)”
S. Bigi (*), A.Conti (*), P. Casero (**) & L. Ruggiero (*), R. Recanati (***), L. Lipparini (***)

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universita` ‘‘Sapienza’’
(**) Consultant, Rome, Italy
(***) Medoilgas Italia S.p.A

Marine and Petroleum Geology, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 29 August 2012     
“Structural setting of the Adriatic basin and the main related petroleum exploration plays”
P. Casero (*), S. Bigi (**)

(*) Consultant, Rome, Italy
(**) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universita` ‘‘Sapienza’’